
final url

Posted in kazu.TV at 17:02 by l00067430



Class critique

Posted in kazu.TV at 13:37 by l00067430



custom cursors

Posted in kazu.TV at 14:39 by l00067430




AS2 preloader

Posted in kazu.TV at 18:37 by l00067430


rolling gallery vid (www.tutvid.com)

Posted in kazu.TV at 17:08 by l00067430


index v_2

Posted in kazu.TV at 19:29 by l00067430


mood board

Posted in kazu.TV at 12:22 by l00067430

Index page

Posted in kazu.TV at 11:09 by l00067430

I used bright colours to make the site look fun and inviting to the user. There are no sharp edges on the main container as I found in my research curved edges are more inviting and stimulating to a child then sharp pointed edges. The illustration on the background is compleatly vector based this is as it gives a simplistic and fun look to the illustration/website as seen in many child cartoons. The background sky is made up of blue felt this is to add texture to the over website and make it more dynamic and visually complex for the child and parent users.

Preschool Preparation: The Importance of an Early Academic Foundation Business Wire, Feb 19, 2005

Posted in kazu.TV at 11:01 by l00067430

VERNON HILLS, Ill. — It’s time for the annual American International Toy Fair in New York and Learning Resources, an educational company known for its innovative educational toys, materials and programs, is here to help parents of young children make good choices when it comes to educational toys. According to No Child Left Behind (NCLB) education legislation, both schools and families are accountable for the preparation of young children in the preschool years.

The Department of Education states that “President Bush believes that all children must begin school with an equal chance at achievement so that no child is left behind.” To ensure success, parents and educators must focus on the preschool years, which are the most important learning time in the life of a child. From birth to age five, children develop most of the language, thinking, physical, emotional, problem solving and social skills that they rely on for the rest of their lives.

According to Early Reading First (part of NCLB), the most important language skills for preschoolers are: phonemic awareness (the knowledge that spoken words are made up of sounds), phonics (the relationship between letters and sounds), oral vocabulary and comprehension, and the conventions of print (why and how we communicate using words in print). Of course, early math and science skills are equally important. Children must learn to count objects and recognize numbers and shapes. They must also learn to explore their world and solve everyday problems.

(I fell that the main focus and responsability of Kazu.TV is to focus on the verbal communication and learning of children as shown above it is key to their overall development and preperation for school.)


colour schemes

Posted in kazu.TV at 16:16 by l00067430

Focus on bright and warm colours that will attract the users eye and make the overall look of the website more fun and entertaining for the user to navigate through. I look at colours that will work together but not blend together as the foreground elements must stand out from the background images.

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